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What’s in for Medstar 4.0?

  • MedStar HIS 4.0 comes up with a complete new look and feel with soothing colours, new GUI & a great user experience.
  • Top placed navigational menus which are well organised and gives a lot of space to the work space.
  • New shortcuts placed on the left side give operations in clicks.
  • Clinical Templates, Dynamic EMR, Prescription validations, Voice based form filling for Kiosks are great additions.
  • Secure SSL certificate addition, 256 bit encryption & password encoding are added security features.
  • New graphical & customisable reports.

What are the advanced features?

  • Dynamic EMR: with the new version, EMR is highly customizable. Hospital will be able to add new fields.
  • Template Library: Almost nearly 100 highly customizable templates are pre loaded with specialities.
  • ICD Code: ICD codes are pre loaded
  • Prescription Validation: Prescription can be auto validated against diagnoses instant in clicks with online library repository & assists doctors to see the side effect etc
  • Robotic Assistance: Robot is improved and can automate the form filling, reporting & alerts. Robot also provide intelligent inputs and can be operated on Voice Commands.
  • Mobile based PACS: Completely mobile responsive PACS system which can seamlessly load on mobile devices is a boon to doctors.

Smart EMR

Doctors can access the EMR module and can store the entire patient medical history along with the prescriptions electronically.

24x7 Support

Our support team is available 24x7 to assist the hospitals incase of any help required for live installations.

Available on Cloud

MedStar can be deployed on a cloud instantly and data can be accessed by the users seamlessly with out any geographical limitations.

Patient Care

With MedStar, you can achieve the highest patent care with feedback driven quality system. Data can be analysed easily.